Title: The Book of Random Tables Pdf Fantasy Role-Playing Game Aids for Game Masters (Fantasy RPG Random Tables)
Author: Matt Davids
Published Date: 2017-12-29
Page: 50
Cut down your Game Master prep time with 25 1D100 random tables.
Do you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games? If so, these random tables come in handy any time your players are searching or exploring.
Don't waste your time prepping things your players will never see. Just pull out these tables and create a quality gaming experience simply by rolling dice.
Find items for a wizard's chambers, campsites, desks, and more. Also, exciting random encounters for different terrains and rumors and odd jobs. Plus 600 fantasy names for non-player characters.
25 1D100 Random Tables for Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Games
Here's a list of some of the random tables:
Items in a Wizard’s Chamber
Items in an Alchemist's Lab
Items in a Cottage
Items in a Bandit’s Hideout
Items in a Office
Items in a Warehouse
Items in a Royal Tomb
Items in a Noble's Bedchamber
Items in a Port Master’s Office
Items on an Adventurer’s Dead Body
Items in a Hunter’s Camp
Items in a Ship Captain’s Quarters
Items on a Dead Goblin
Items in Fantasy Desk
Items in an Inn’s Kitchen
Weapons, Armor, and Equipment
Book Titles
Potion Ingredients
Medicinal Herbs
Culinary Herbs & Spices
Forest Encounters
Mountain Encounters
Swamp Encounters
Seafaring Encounters
Rumors & Odd Jobs
Want more random tables? Get the other books in the series!
Disappointingly Empty While it looks nice and it technically does deliver random tables, the entire book feels very empty. Most pages have a single d100 random table, presented in two columns with a lot of white space. The presentation and negative space makes it visually look like the book was being padded to fill. The d100 table for "Rumors and Odd Jobs" is clearly stretched out to take up 5 pages when it could easily be two.The results on encounter tables are very repetitive. For example, in "forest encounters" there are results for Deer 1d4, Deer 1d6, Deer 1d8, Deer 1d10, Deer 1d12, and Deer 1d20. DMs don't need six different encounters for deer, much less one. Seeing deer would add nothing to an adventure. The book repeats the same pattern for other encounters, like Elk and Orphans. Again, it feels like padding and comes off as lazy.As for the actual content, the names list are nice but other tables don't really have any use for a DM. There are THREE separate tables dedicated to gemstone names, but just the names. They are lists with no descriptions of what those gems look like or what they are worth. Do I know what Wakefieldite or Bixbite looks like? No. It would have more use if the author made up names of fantasy gemstones.Excellent purchase! Very useful! I loved all the tables full of things that players are sure to get attached to. The encounters and rumors sections are especially great. I can't wait till you release your next one. This book is super useful and I recommend it to anyone running a tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons.good series Very happy with this book. great purchase
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Tags: 0692051880 pdf,The Book of Random Tables pdf,Fantasy Role-Playing Game Aids for Game Masters (Fantasy RPG Random Tables) pdf,Matt Davids,The Book of Random Tables: Fantasy Role-Playing Game Aids for Game Masters (Fantasy RPG Random Tables),dicegeeks,0692051880,GAMES & ACTIVITIES / Role Playing & Fantasy,Games / Role Playing & Fantasy
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